<iframe src="https://bublish.com/bubble/stream/nancyshattuck/unknown-32357?embed=1"></iframe>10/11/2022
authorI am retired from information technology and sometimes teach writing in the Detroit area. Mostly, these days, I write, edit, and publish works that I started years ago but had no time to finish. Retirement does have its advantages, though writing as much as I do I can hardly convince any of my friends that I have actually retired. My web site, consequently, reflects what I am working on--the poetry, fiction, and books I am writing and reading. I invite all who visit my site to sign in and add your thoughts! The second item I respond to is a book review of Ursula LeGuin's recently published (2005) collection of essays The Wave in the Mind. I have not read it yet, but the article does focus on one of the topics that she relates in her essays: Power, Oppression, Freedom, and How Imaginative Storytelling Expands Our Scope of the Possible. I don't know if you have read any of her science fiction works, but she opens imagination to possibilities that clearly show us how we accept fixed realities where the permanence is false. She makes us think.